

One of my personal annoyances is all the little pop -up notifications coming from the system tray in the lower right hand corner of Windows computers. These little pop-ups are called balloon tips and can give you notification for almost anything (my favorite is the ever popular: "You just printed something!"). Anyway - my first action when configuring a new computer is to immediately turn this feature off but the tricky part is that Microsoft opted to not give us a way to disable these lovely little notifications through the system settings. The only way to turn these items off is to modify the system registry.
Difficulty: Moderate
Things You'll Need:

    * Ability to work with the Windows registry.

   1. Click Start and choose Run...

   2. Type in Regedit and hit OK.
   3. Navigate the registry to HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVerion\Explorer\Advanced

   4. In the right hand pane right click and choose the option to create a new DWORD.

   5. Name the new DWORD: EnableBalloonTips

   6. Ensure that the value of EnableBalloonTips is set to 0 (it should be 0 by default).

   7. Close the registry editor and log out of your user account.

   8. Log back in and you should no longer have those annoying little pop-ups down in the corner.