

I. Note: Answer all the questions.
a) What is Normalization? What are the different forms of Normalization ?
The usual approach in normalization in database applications is to ensure that the data is divided into two or more tables, such that when the data in one of them is updated, it does not lead to anamolies of data (The student is advised to refer any book on data base management systems for details, if interested).
The idea is to ensure that when combined, the data available is consistent. However, in data warehousing, one may even tend to break the large table into several “denormalized” smaller tables. This may lead to lots of extra space being used. But it helps in an indirect way – It avoids the overheads of joining the data during queries.

b) Define Data warehouse. What are roles of education in a data warehousing delivery process?
Data Warehouse: In it’s simplest form, a data ware house is a collection of key pieces of information used to manage and direct the business for the most profitable outcome. It would decide the amount of inventory to be held, the no. of employees to be hired, the amount to be procured on loan etc.,.
The above definition may not be precise - but that is how data ware house systems are. There are different definitions given by different authors, but we have this idea in mind and proceed. It is a large collection of data and a set of process managers that use this data to make information available. The data can be meta data, facts, dimensions and aggregations. The process managers can be load managers, ware house managers or query managers. The information made available is such that they allow the end users to make informed decisions.